Day two cancelled due to hurricane
Notice to Competitors
​Rain- at times in very heavy amounts- from Hurricane Debbie is predicted before we can reasonably expect to finish 18 Holes Tuesday. As a result we are cancelling Day 2 of the MCWA, regretfully, in anticipation of both unwieldy playing conditions and possibly dangerous road conditions later in the day.
To honor Friend to Friend Mid South will give each competitor a raincheck round good through August 6th 2025. (Mid South has been extremely generous throughout the tournament planning so we are in their debt.)
We will be at Mid South this morning if you have a shoe box to deliver, or if you still want to buy raffle tickets.
Overall Champion- Kimbra Benson 68 (-3)
Overall Friendship Winner (Net)- Glenda Good-Potter 67 (-4)
Flight Winners will follow in another email, and Gift Certificates will be at the Mid South Golf Shop for pick up by the winners. Raffle winners will be contacted separately with their goods delivered in some mutually agreeable way.
Thank you
Therese, Doris, Rita, and Barb